Steve read Chemistry and Physics at Queen Mary, University of London, graduating with 1st Class Honours in 1996, and enjoying the student life, stayed on for a further 4 years to obtain a PhD. in Chemical Physics.

Feeling rather comfortable, he stayed for a further three years lecturing Chemistry, and teaching Mathematics and Physics along with organising various courses and establishing and running the Drop In Study Centre.

He finally cut the umbilical cord to Queen Mary earlier this year to spend more time developing his web and graphic design business and move into multimedia, with the aim of using his teaching and design skills to develop teaching aids. This is his first work for the theatre, but has been mopping up the concession on websites for the cast!

If this was not enough to keep him busy, he also researches British Comedy and Drama and has been consulted on a number of publications and TV and Radio programmes. He is very pleased to know Keith as not only has it given him the opportunity to 'invent' the Birds and the Bees brand, Keith has transferred all his cassettes to CD and saved him months of work!

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